
MY Goal, YOUR Goal, Our Goal, EVERBODY's Goal - GeTTing Up On Time

Get Up On Time

I know this is the hard one depending on what your life is like. If you have any time in the morning that you can flex, like me, it may be a battle. But that’s what this is all about: battling to give everything this year. I will be vulnerable here and share that getting to bed on time has been tough. Really tough. It seemed that things just came up to get me off track even with the best of intentions. At some moments I thought :   “Well, maybe my life has just changed and I just can’t get up early any more….” BUT then God would bring to mind that this wasn’t meant to be easy. If it was, I would not be struggling with it and would be “perfect”! However, HE will supply me with what I need at the moment I need it. And sometimes that means the strength to keep on keeping on even when I’ve just failed.  So when I have missed my bedtime for two nights in a row I don’t give up…I keep on. As my body adjust it will be easier because my body will automatically draw me to bed without as much will power.

So how about you? How are your goals going? :)

Happy Birthday Miss Obeda - Oreta belated nga lang...

bestfriend belated happy birthday. sorry for the late greetings. now lang nagkatime. we love you so much.take alot of care ha.. smile!=)